There is only one basis for observation: the children must be free to express themselves and thus reveal those needs and attitudes which would otherwise be hidden or repressed in an environment that did not allow them to act spontaneously.
Dr. Maria Montessori Discovery of the Child

School Furniture
The toys and materials at home and classrooms for Montessori children are meant for developments of minds and the materials should be of high quality and be durable. The usage of such materials makes the child to call forth self-respect, respect, care and courtesy towards other children and environment. The furniture include chairs, shelves, cupboards, compartments, lockers and various other personal usage items that allows a child to make use of them in an efficient way. When children are comfortable, they concentrate better and there is a sense of contentment in them that allows learning to be more efficient and longer spanned. The furniture are meant to support the children's bodies and to develop the best posture so the designs of furniture items are shaped in such a way that they can stay focused on the work as they are more physically comfortable and seated appropriately.
Montessori schools are equipped with hardwood shelves, strong and solid furniture that are durable and has a long life. They are built in all shapes and multiple designs that meet the unique needs of Montessori classrooms. The storing and displaying of Montessori materials can be a challenge, hence, the furniture that are built specifically provide practical and beautiful solutions. The classroom furniture are simple. Since the natural hardwood contributes to a comfortable and uncluttered environment, they are designed in such a way that they are easily washable, cleanable and come with child-safe wood finish. Infant shelves are designed to be very low, around only 16 inches (about 40 cm) tall, and they only have a top and bottom shelf. In addition, there is a slight lip on the edge of the shelf so children can grab hold of the shelf. The lip also keeps toys from sliding off. Some infant shelves offer carpeting on the top, providing an extra sensory experience as babies hold and touch the shelf. The backs of infant shelving units are sometimes mirrored, which creates a center of focus for babies who are not yet mobile or translucent, which allows both the teacher and the infant to see through the shelves while maintaining a safe barrier.
One of the key concepts in the Montessori infant/toddler environment is learning to be independent. Rather than use traditional high chairs, which rely on adult intervention and supervision. With the latest, state of the art design of furniture, a child can sit at the table when they are hungry without having to rely on the help of an adult.
Furniture’s hence play a very important role in the Montessori Schools. Moreover a lot of other researches are ongoing with unique shapes and sizes so that the children can be more comfortable using them and can focus more on their learning. On the aspect of the Schools, they give utmost importance to the space utilization and the comfort level of the children using the furniture with obviously the safety and hygiene factors given the maximum importance.